Photo: Pauline Massimo

Rebecca is a coach, workshop and breathwork facilitator, and writer. Her focus is on sexuality, pleasure, relaxation and the exploration of how to live a rich emotional, physical life. She uses her studies in academia, yoga, massage, butoh dance, sexological bodywork, tao yoga and philosophy to inform her work.

Her individual coaching sessions encourage self-educating and self-healing through the use of somatic enquiry, massage and touch, breathwork and hypnotic meditations. She facilitates groups and workshops, focusing on individual agency, comfort in challenge, and making things fun through undogmatic experimentation. As a workshop facilitator, she is interested in the creation of ritual, an acceptance of being clueless (as a wonderful indicator of getting close to the edge of ourselves), and in the innate divinity engendered through bodies and touch.  

She holds a degree from Cambridge University where she studied the philosophy, literature and art of the body and of sexuality. She has 600+hrs of massage, breathwork and bodywork training (David Lutt, Thai Massage Circus, Kaline Kelly, Daniel Odier, Martin Beaudoin), 400+hrs RYT yoga teacher training (Surinder Ji, Lizzie and Judith Lasater, Rajiv Chanchani), has experience studying tantra and conscious sexual practices (Swami Vivekananda, Yonathan Saar, Felix Ruckert, Kai Erdhart) is an ongoing student of Taoist practices under the tutelage of Udo Treide, and has studied Sexological Bodywork with the ISB Berlin.

She explores philosophical and poetic approaches to soma through hands-on, creative and experimental physical practices, using her intellectual background and professional interests to continue her investigation of exactly what happens when two bodies touch and why we want that or don't want that so much. Her articles and (as yet unpublished) book offer a critical, personal and visceral insight into these topics.

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