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  • serrat(u)s bodywork - Zurich 40 Zwinglistrasse Zurich, ZH, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland (map)

Photo: Roman Hagenbrock

Intimacy outside of fixed patterns and conventions is fantastic, creative and unpredictable - that's what makes it so appealing, but also quite complex and challenging. In the (AN)OTHER INTIMACY workshops, we want to embark on this adventure! What is there to experience? How do I come up with ideas? How do I find out what my deep needs and longings are? And how do I put them into practice?

The ON SLOWNESS & INTENSITY course makes slowness the guiding concept of our explorations. It not only enables us to take a closer look at what we experience and to grasp it in many more facets and qualities. Rather, slowness itself becomes an instrument of intensification - go sloooooow, baby!

With the help of meditation elements and breathing work, we will slow down and explore encounters and touch in a playful way in this workshop. We discover our own and other people's bodies and learn more about how we deal with pleasure and displeasure, the diversity of what we enjoy and what we don't like. We will also take a closer look at the images we have of ourselves and each other, question personal and social patterns and expectations and give space to personal concerns and issues.

Using slowness as a strategy and tool, we then increase the intensity and consciously approach limits and challenges, for example to get to the bottom of the relationship between pleasure and pain. Our aim in all of this is to find out more about what we really want - regardless of how we are seen or judged from the outside - what feels good and right for us and how we can put it into practice with pleasure.


The (AN)OTHER INTIMACY workshops aim to give participants an idea of what a playful & alternative 'sex-positive' space could be, how we can shape it together and move through it. The focus is clearly beyond a normative understanding of intimacy and sexuality that would equate sex with nudity, touching around the genitals and any kind of physical penetration. We prefer to focus on the playful, imaginative, performative and experimental aspects of touching a wide variety of what human bodies & minds are capable of.

Working with tools such as Bodysomatics, the Beginners Mind, role play and BDSM-inspired practices, we will create multiple opportunities to develop spontaneity and playfulness, to dare to find out what is interesting and desired and what is definitely undesirable, to set boundaries, communicate and respect them, but also to invite consensual play and co-create scenes. Playful experimentation becomes both a strategy for discovering new ways of intimate interaction and its main tool. After two days of (re?)getting to know our playful selves and learning how to deal with them, we will form a trusting community of experimenters. On Sunday, this community will embark on a sometimes more, sometimes less structured, yet carefully designed PlayArragement in order to test and celebrate themselves and their new discoveries in a freer setting.

Fri, 08.03.2024 - 17-23:** h
Sat, 09.03.2024 - 11-22:** h
Sun, 10.03.2024 - 11-20:** h
The end of the course may be slightly delayed for this event.

German, English

Rebecca & Matís

Choose your ticket price according to your self-assessment.

With the low(er) income tickets, we also want to give low-income earners the opportunity to attend our events.

We cordially invite high earners to make it with a higher contribution possible for us to make this offer.

We would like to thank you in advance for your solidarity.

For people with particularly low incomes, there are usually additional options for even lower prices.

Please do not hesitate to write to us and ask. We would be delighted if you could join us!



Regular Tickets - the average we aim for
CHF 550,00

Low(er) Income Tickets - get support!
I - CHF 250,00
II - CHF 350,00
III - CHF 450,00

High(er) Income Tickets - give support!
I - CHF 620,00
II - CHF 680,00
III - CHF 730,00

Please also read all further info below, too.



Further informations


The aims of our events are to learn together as a group and support shared processes as well as personal development. Couples and all other types of partnerships or constellations are welcome, but you should be aware and open to the fact that the courses are not designed as partnership experiences and that we address each person as an individual. For example, in order to include all participants equally, we usually work with random partner combinations in the exercises. This means that there will be both the same and different gender combinations. Participants should generally be open to working with any person and any body. Exceptions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Gender identity, sexual orientation, age or membership of marginalized groups such as BBIPoC, migrants, refugees, LGBTQIA*, people with disabilities, etc. are not criteria when registering and selecting participants.

We expect you to be careful, communicative, consent-oriented and mindful, and we encourage you to respect your own boundaries and self-responsibility.
Hate speech will not be tolerated. Please bring "candy speech".
We reserve the right to ask participants to leave the workshop should their behavior be hurtful or too problematic, and we reserve the right to do so without explanation - although we will likely try to explain. Workshop fees would then be refunded in full. Further claims are then excluded.
We do our best to accommodate different needs, but our resources are limited. If in doubt, please contact us.

You can read more about this topic here.


Cancellations are free of charge up to eight weeks before the start of the course, up to four weeks before the start of the course a cancellation fee of 20% of the course fee is due, up to two weeks before the start of the course a cancellation fee of 50% is due. Later cancellations and refunds of participant fees are not possible. However, participants can find substitute participants who will take the booked places. In case of cancellation by the organizer, the course fee will be refunded in full. Further claims are excluded.

March 3


March 10