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  • serrat(u)s bodywork - Zurich 40 Zwinglistrasse Zurich, ZH, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland (map)

When people get close to each other, pleasurable and meaningful things can happen. But things can also go wrong - when touch turns into encroachment. In order to avoid this, safer spaces practice consent, agreement and mutual understanding- currently key term in sexual ethics.

Fortunately, this is already a normal practice in some cases. But at the same time, it is often not clear what exactly is meant by this - even less how it actually works. In sex-positive spaces, high expectations are placed on consent exercises to close this gap, but it is disheartening to admit that they do not always deliver what they promise!

In recent years, progressive feminist discourses have therefore increasingly criticized concepts based on permission and refusal, stating that "consent is a necessary floor - but a terrible ceiling" (C. Emba) - as they often neither do justice to the complexity of intimate encounters, nor serve the project of free sex... or sometimes even turn into the opposite.

But what should we do then to stop the prevailing culture of boundary violation? That's what we want to explore together in this workshop. By embodied consent exercises and some theoretical input on the stumbling blocks and pitfalls of consent concepts, we invite reflection and honest exchange in a cozy and thought-provoking atmosphere. The workshop is especially suitable for those who already are familiar with consent and feel hopeful, as well as uncomfortable, about it and don't know what to do with the latter feelings.... However, all others without prior knowledge are equally welcome!

Beata is a workshop facilitator at luhmen d'arc and is currently writing her PhD thesis at the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture at JLU Giessen on the aesthetics of consent practices in contemporary participatory performances and queer-feminist sex-ed spaces.


Thu, 12/15/2022 - 7:30pm-10pm

German, English

Registration fee per person

CHF 35,-

For people with particularly low incomes, there are usually additional options for even lower prices.

Please do not hesitate to write to us and ask. We would be delighted if you could join us!

Please also read all further info below, too.


Further informations


The aims of our events are to learn together as a group and support shared processes as well as personal development. Couples and all other types of partnerships or constellations are welcome, but you should be aware and open to the fact that the courses are not designed as partnership experiences and that we address each person as an individual. For example, in order to include all participants equally, we usually work with random partner combinations in the exercises. This means that there will be both the same and different gender combinations. Participants should generally be open to working with any person and any body. Exceptions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis.

Gender identity, sexual orientation, age or membership of marginalized groups such as BBIPoC, migrants, refugees, LGBTQIA*, people with disabilities, etc. are not criteria when registering and selecting participants.

We expect you to be careful, communicative, consent-oriented and mindful, and we encourage you to respect your own boundaries and self-responsibility.
Hate speech will not be tolerated. Please bring "candy speech".
We reserve the right to ask participants to leave the workshop should their behavior be hurtful or too problematic, and we reserve the right to do so without explanation - although we will likely try to explain. Workshop fees would then be refunded in full. Further claims are then excluded.
We do our best to accommodate different needs, but our resources are limited. If in doubt, please contact us.

You can read more about this topic here.


Cancellations are free of charge up to eight weeks before the start of the course, up to four weeks before the start of the course a cancellation fee of 20% of the course fee is due, up to two weeks before the start of the course a cancellation fee of 50% is due. Later cancellations and refunds of participant fees are not possible. However, participants can find substitute participants who will take the booked places. In case of cancellation by the organizer, the course fee will be refunded in full. Further claims are excluded.

December 11


December 16