Photo: ???

RopuNawa first came into contact with Shibari/Kinbaku in 2008 during a performance in Australia. This accompanied him to Switzerland, where he began his journey with the rope. At that time, he formed the foundation of his bondage art from the style of Osada Steve, which was taught in Switzerland. However, he did not stick to this one style, but was inspired by many other teachers. For him, there is no one way to captivate, because the key to RopuNawa is the needs of the other person. These needs can be as varied as the individuality of the people themselves and the diversity of his style allows him to respond best to his partners. He values the non-verbal connection that he can create with each person. 

RopuNawa captured the aesthetics on his path with Akira Naka, who influenced him early on in his journey. While Naka still accompanies him today, he has also been inspired by Tifereth on this path of his journey for 2 years. 

Yoroï was one of his first major influences, where he was able to give his preference for "less is more" a path. Yagami Ren also influenced him a lot in this direction later on. 

Today, RopuNawa combines parts of all these styles in his personal rope art, which he lives out and teaches in his dojo in Basel, while continuing to travel the world, give workshops and draw inspiration from his old teachers and new encounters.

- Ropunawa on Instagram


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Photo: ???

Freya Hellesdîm:

make broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible
walk with the universe
on shoulders and make it
feel like a pair of wings

- Freya on Instagram






- get some impressions of Ropunawa's work below -